Whenever I'm feeling mentally or emotionally stuck, I love to meditate on streaming water, such as a river.
Sitting there, quietly besides the stream, I ponder my worries. Mostly going over these same things again and again. Seemingly without a difference or purpose.
Yet, suddenly I notice my gaze having trouble fixing on one point on the water.
Without me noticing, my eyes have drifted away along the water. Following the stream. So I return my gaze to the point from whence it came, only to notice later on it had drifted away once more.
Without me noticing, my eyes have drifted away along the water. Following the stream. So I return my gaze to the point from whence it came, only to notice later on it had drifted away once more.
The strange thing is: by moving my eyes that way and letting them drift off unconsciously, my mind also starts to drift, slowly at first, thus allowing me to move on mentally, and emotionally as well. No longer stuck!
Sometimes this meditation helps me to let go things easier. At other times it allows me to reach a conclusion, an insight or to rekindle my creativity.
Anyways, it is a fun thing to experiment with. Drift on! ;)